Editorial Animated Illustrations Create art based on news stories - A course by Katty Huertas , Illustrator

Master the Art of Narrative Illustration with Katty Huertas: Online Course

Editorial Animated Illustrations: Create art based on news stories – A course by Katty Huertas , Illustrator


Bring your artistic vision to life with “Editorial Animated Illustrations,” an exciting course led by the celebrated multidisciplinary artist and illustrator, Katty Huertas.

Immerse yourself in the world of narrative illustration alongside Katty, who serves as a designer and art director at The Washington Post. Her expertise extends to commissioning illustrations and crafting her own, making her the perfect guide for this creative journey.

In this online course, you’ll delve into the process of transforming stories into captivating visual art using Procreate and Photoshop. From the initial concept to the final animation, Katty will provide expert guidance, sharing her unique techniques and insights along the way.

Editorial Animated Illustrations: Create art based on news stories - A course by Katty Huertas , Illustrator

Unlock the power of storytelling through animated illustrations and learn to breathe life into your art under Katty Huertas’ mentorship.


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